Customers Choice - The Final Decision:Please note that all orders will be processed in a good condition as per the customers choice only & recipient choice in no way will be entertained for exchanging the product/s under any circumstance. All orders will be executed only after the customer confirms it & will be treated as final.
Non-Refund for Order Executed Perishable Items:Perishable items viz. Cakes, Bread, Sweets & all other perishable items, once attempted for delivery is treated as order executed and will not be eligible for refund. These items are made/procured on the order of the customer. Being perishable in nature they can’t be refunded.
Returnable Products:Products once delivered may sometimes be returned - for instance when the product is damaged in transit or wrongly delivered - subject to the terms & conditions laid down in the Return Policy Statement.
Delivery Refund Policy:Our couriers do their best to make all deliveries on the day you request. However, very occasionally vehicle breakdowns/accidents happen and deliveries don't get made. In these circumstances, we will make sure the delivery is made the following working day and offer to fully refund the delivery charge.
If the courier has attempted a delivery and no one was available to sign for the cake & no instructions were given to leave it, we would make arrangements for the delivery to be made the following working day, but unfortunately no refund can be offered.